The Edmund and Rosa Hlawka Award for Mathematics is given to mathematicians holding Austrian citizenship and no older than 45 for outstanding scientific achievements in the fields of number theory and geometry, especially the theory of equidistribution and the geometry of numbers.

Submission Procedure

Scientists working at a university or a non-university research institution in Austria are invited to nominate suitable candidates.

Self-nominations are not accepted.

Selection Process

Prize winners are decided by the Division of Mathematics and the Natural Sciences of the OeAW at the recommendation of an awards committee on the basis of international peer review.

Nominating Documents

  1. Application documents:
    1. Personal statement by the nominator covering the following aspects:
      - nominee’s scientific career and international visibility in the scientific community
      - nominee’s influence on the development of research in the field
      - outline of the nominee’s research achievements
    2. Tabular CV including list of publications for the nominee
  2. Publications:
    1. Selection of a maximum of 3 of the nominee’s most important publications documenting the prizeworthy achievement

Upload via online form

The completed documents are to be uploaded via the online form.


Fill in the online form and upload the documents as a total of 2 PDF files.

The individual files may not exceed 10 MB.

Afterwards, you will receive a document that you will have to print and sign. Return a scan of the signed form in PDF format (single file) as an attachment to a reply to the received email (click reply button). IMPORTANT: The default subject and recipient must not be changed.


Upon receipt of your application, we will check that it is complete and meets the formal criteria and it will then be entered into the database of the Department of Fellowships and Awards.

Once the application has been checked for completeness, confirmation will be sent by email.


Research Area

Value of the Award
4.000,-- Euro

Biennally, in even years

Next call
20 June 2024